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Progeny I Spiro Grace Art Rooms I July 16 - August 8, 2015

Simone Eisler's new body of small wall sculpture titled Progeny is literally that - a series of forms that have evolved from her earlier altered and transformative works. These descendants however reveal a far deeper investigation into the internal structure of natural form and growth and indeed into sculptural form itself. On one level the seed/pod shapes that these works play with seem to burst into life; unfold bird, butterfly and flowerlike; float, fly or anchor into the earth. But this is not some reanimation of a primal life form but more an attempt to play with the fine line between inside and outside, protection and what is protected and more broadly, the visual similarities of the growth, shape and decorative pattern of both the hidden and highly visible life forms found under water, earth and in the sky. The materials of earlier works - the horns, shells, fur, scales, and feathers, that inhabited the outside of forms or that were reconstituted as new solid forms now decorate and line an exposed inner form- a form that has been sliced or split open. Animal and aquatic shapes merge growing a fine plumage or inner coat of fur.  Kevin Wilson 2015